Seed starting 

This usually is entirely K’s gig. I help browse through the catalogs during the winter when spring is just a dream, but that’s it. I’m in charge this season, with solid backup at least, and instructions on how many seeds to start to get the right number for our beds.

Below is oat and wheat grass, tabby cat grass, chamomile, sage, celosia, amaranth, bunny tails, cardinal climbers, cukes, two heirloom tomato varieties, two cherry tomato varieties, and eggplant. 

Garden journaling

Time and circumstance have meant I’ve had to step up my gardening game this season. I’m starting seeds, helping to clear the beds, and even transplanting this season. Since this is not normally my domain, I’m quite proud of each step I accomplish, so I thought I would celebrate here and keep a record. 

after (and not quite done)
gardening buddy